Achivements admin November 29, 2021
DSC02748 [Desktop Resolution]

Orphan vulnerable children support program

The  GWDA  has  been  supporting  orphan  vulnerable  children  under  the project  entitled “Supporting Orphans children project” through provision of home based financial, food and cloths support. Since its inception a total of 295orphan children are being support from different localities and still going on.

Safe Drinking Water supply program

Access to enough water of sufficient quality is fundamental for all human, animal and plant life as well as for most economic activities. Increasing the availability of water for the community is one of the fundamental objectives of the Organiztion’s project. GWDA has been responding to the existing and identified problems in its operational area. As a way to expand our activity in
relation to rural water supply and sanitation and response to the identified problems, GWDA, has been implementing rural water supply project in different areas of Eastern & Western Hararghe and Jimma Zone. More than 200 hand dug wells were constructed and being utilized by community as well as controlled by local residents & governors. Estimated populations benefited from this safe drinking water are more than 70 household per hand dug wells.

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Food security and Emergency Aid program

Communities displaced internally face a high level of economic risk due to the prevalence of unexpected displacement as well as many people  face frequent  drought. Although  these unexpected were sadly one, yet the communities end up bearing livelihood losses in addition to loss of life, housing and health. Under such a situation, GWDA proposes to implement a set of interventions to reduce the economic risks and increase livelihood opportunities of the displaced people & famine. The project built the capacities of the communities in assessing economic risks by giving short term food materials. The strategic approaches were leveraged with the on-going efforts of the government and other donor-supported projects in re-establishing of these people.

Disabled People Support

There are people with special ability due to natural and/or man-made caused acts. They might have disabled parts of their body but still believed they have their own special ability. Support to these parts of the community will help them to lead independent life whether economically or physically. Hence our organization focuses on support to these parts of the communities through provision of wheelchairs to help them to free movement and contribute for their development. In this regards our organization have distributed more than 50 wheelchairs in Adama town.
